Piekarnia: 2020
The Art Center “Piekarnia” (“Bakery”) ties together the six six p (66 P) gallery, Centrum Sztuk
Performatywnych Instytutu Grotowskiego, a film studio, residential spaces, garden, and common areas. Renata Micherda-Jarodzka knows that art needs space, but, most of all, it needs to be in touch with various people, movements, and methods. Thanks to “Piekarnia,” Wrocław is endowed with space designated for curatorial projects and for artists from all over the world to integrate.
„Piekarnia” żyje dzięki podniesieniu z gruzów budynku garnizonowego, w którym przez lata wypiekano chleb, natomiast dzisiaj powstaje sztuka i styl życia. Renata adaptuje i tworzy wnętrza, kieruje się starym założeniem architektury przemysłowej oraz zasadą recyklingu.
“Piekarnia” was brought to existence from the ruins of an old garrison building that served as a bakery for years. Nowadays, this space gives life to art and lifestyle. Renata adapts and creates interiors; she seeks guidance in the old dogmas of industrial architecture and recycling. The interior of “Piekarnia” was created with textile debris, ground PET bottles, old plastic spools and threads, and photo collages of the original flooring. Each floor, each decorative element, each staircase, each door – even the letters – are the result of Renata’s own work and collaboration with artists and designers, such as Mirek Chudy and Jurek Kosałka. At the heart of this architectural establishment, there’s a garden. The artist meticulously selects plant species based on their color, form, and facture; she creates a landscape where she finds space for sculpture, peculiar “ready-made” – saved construction debris, and entanglement of concrete and steel.
The Art Center “Piekarnia” is well adapted to the newest trends of combining art, architecture, lifestyle, and societal engagement. After the pandemic, it will be a space prone to integration, creative ferment, and emphasis on the role artists have in building a better world.
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